



Instantiations just lauched a Tonal-based home for community-made open source software for the VAST Platform (VA Smalltalk). Read about it here: https://github.com/vast-community-hub/getting-started.

Some of my colleagues and myself are involved with one of the launching projects, namely AWS Support for VAST Platform. This is a port of the Pharo AWS Toolbox. It's still a work in progress. More on that in a later post.

Will this be the beginning of the end of the ENVY-based VAStGoodies.com? It certainly could be, but I have no plans to pull the plug on that. What I'm hoping for is that Tonel and the newly launched platform will help narrowing the gap between VAST and the other Smalltalks that make use of Tonel. Or else facilitate to bridge the gap with a shared exchange format.

Posted by Adriaan van Os at 10 June 2020, 10:59 pm with tags VASmalltalk, VAST, Tonel link
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